Defeat Approach Anxiety
The first step here in the CC is all about getting you into action mode. Let's tackle that career climb you've been eyeing, dive into conversations that spark friendships, and enrich the relationships that make life worthwhile. We are experts at getting you past the fear of rejection, and together, we'll explore the Social Freedom concepts and exercises that turn you into your boldest self.

Stop Holding Back
Guess what? The biggest roadblock to your success is staring back at you in the mirror. But don't worry, we're here to help you see what you've been overlooking. By pinpointing your hidden hurdles, we'll pave the way for the real you to step up and make your mark. That's the power of being part of this community where everyone's focused on helping each other get out of their own way.

Let Your True Self Lead
After you start taking action with us, you'll quickly notice something amazing: you feel more comfortable being yourself, out in the open. That's the game-changer. Your authentic self takes the lead, allowing you to begin to enjoy deeper connections, vibrant conversations, and opportunities you never thought possible. These are just some of the many surprising benefits of Social Freedom!

Defeat Approach Anxiety
The first step here in the CC is all about getting you into action mode. Let's tackle that career climb you've been eyeing, dive into conversations that spark friendships, and enrich the relationships that make life worthwhile. We are experts at getting you past the fear of rejection, and together, we'll explore the Social Freedom concepts and exercises that turn you into your boldest self.

Stop Holding Back
Guess what? The biggest roadblock to your success is staring back at you in the mirror. But don't worry, we're here to help you see what you've been overlooking. By pinpointing your hidden hurdles, we'll pave the way for the real you to step up and make your mark. That's the power of being part of this community where everyone's focused on helping each other get out of their own way.

Let Your True Self Lead
After you start taking action with us, you'll quickly notice something amazing: you feel more comfortable being yourself, out in the open. That's the game-changer. Your authentic self takes the lead, allowing you to begin to enjoy deeper connections, vibrant conversations, and opportunities you never thought possible. These are just some of the many surprising benefits of Social Freedom!
"Mike always gives more than expected and the community completely changed my worldview. I went from being miserable and not touching a person for 6 months - to having close friends, self-love and self-respect."- Michael from Kiev
"The Courage Community and their bootcamp greatly helped me be more confident in my authentic self-expression, and overcome a lot of fears I had about sharing my business. After training I realized that people are actually really interested in it!"- Ellen from Austin
"I really like Mike's style. He already gave me some important info and also asked 1-2 questions that really drew my attention to something I have not seen before. Mike is giving different tools and material, even exercises to work on oneself. Strongly recommend!"- Manu from Berlin
"Mike is a sound coach who has helped me in my relationships, health, business and beyond. He coached me through 2018 and after some years away I came back to his community to help me out with the next obstacle in my life. Highly recommended."- Krasi from Sophia
"I was a shy personality before Coach Mike's bootcamp in 2017. After the program, I could approach anyone and get a good response from them. It helped me in developing my personality. I definitely recommend it for fast results. You will not be the same person after the bootcamp."- Shekar from Mumbai
"I was very self-conscious training. Now I feel like a completely different person. Mike is an exceptional communicator. He presents complex ideas in digestible bites that did not overwhelm me. Training was really fun and enjoyable. It felt like spending time with friends you are learning from."- Ram from LA
"Mike did awesome! I happily recommend him because everybody lives in fear of what others think about your actions. It holds people back so much, and it's just sad to see that. I feel like I've had years of conditioning lifted off my chest. Like a fresh restart on my system."- Adam from Madison
Coach Mike Features
Expertise in Social Freedom, Conversation, & Connection
Over 10 Years of Experience Delivering Fast Results that Last
In-Person and Online Options that Fit Your Time, Need, and Budget
Action-Oriented Coaching to Stop Holding Yourself Back!

- I improved my health by gaining the courage to try fasting (I used to think it was crazy!).
- The lessons I learned about relationships and communication, along with how to find compatible partners, helped forge a marriage that is more loving, supportive, and enriching than I thought was even possible.
- Along the way, my dating life was extremely fun and encouraging (rather than painful and frustrating).
- My friendships are strong, authentic, and with people from all walks of life, all over the world.
- I achieved my personal definition of corporate success by earning a higher salary than I thought I was capable of, in a field I never dreamed of being successful in.
- I then found the courage to throw that all away to follow my entrepreneurial dreams!
- My family relationships improved, and spiritually I feel more connected to humanity and the universe than ever before.
- Of course, there have been ups and downs, but I’ve been consistently high on life since taking the boot camp (that inspired what I now teach) over a decade ago.
I didn't know that I wanted to start my own business until after I was a customer of the course I now teach. Because the course had such an immediate and life-changing impact on me, I wanted to share it with the world! After I achieved Social Freedom for myself, a lot of my fears around entrepreneurship started to fade, and my interest in business began to grow. Getting past the roadblocks in my social life had a huge positive impact on my professional goals. It gave me the ambition to do my own thing in spite of the risks. Social Freedom is also professional freedom!
We provide specific coaching in the following areas: Social Freedom, conversation & connection, advice on building friendships & communities, long & short term dating, intimate relationships & relationship transitions like new beginnings, engagements, breakups & divorces; job hunting & career development from resume writing, to interview prep, to sourcing opportunities & business networking strategies; overall quality of life topics like sexual health, satisfaction & performance; weight & fitness goals; self-defense & martial arts training; public speaking, creative expression, and entrepreneurship.
This is one of the factors that helps customers see results in the short-term, so they can be encouraged to keep working on their longer-term goals. Additionally, we have a community built on determination, authenticity, and curiosity, full of people who are happy to help out their fellow members.
We have an online version of the same course, as well as affordable community membership tiers that provide access to coaching support via online forum, group coaching calls, or personal messaging.
We also do private calls and call packages.
In other words, we get you out of your own way FIRST (Social Freedom), and then we optimize your behaviors (direct communication) after you are actually capable of implementing the advice.
This is why our customers tend to see fast results that last!
- It is a mindset that places your focus on ethical and compassionate self-interest, especially in the face of a challenge or discouragement. It is an attitude of never surrendering or sacrificing your true self, especially not for the purposes of trying to “fit in”, or measure up to someone else’s opinion of who you should be. It means making choices and decisions free from coercion or constraint imposed by others. It’s about living as authentically as possible while participating in society.
- It’s also a feeling of capability inside yourself that tells you what actions are safe to take, and which ones require bravery to accomplish. This feeling is the freedom component of Social Freedom; it is how capable you feel you are, to live how you really want to live, and do what you really want to do, without internal resistance. It’s your ability to participate in social activities and relationships without feeling constrained or limited.
- Like yoga, meditation, or the martial arts, Social Freedom is also a practice. It is a skill that can be improved through repetition over time, and the benefits are only achieved by taking frequent, consistent, real-world actions (exercises); not simply learning about the concept. The more you practice the skill of Social Freedom, the more you exemplify the mindset, and this leads to more feelings of freedom, motivation, and confidence.
- Lastly, our pet theory of Social Freedom explains how this mindset, feeling, and practice predict a direct relationship between your level of Social Freedom, and your experience of greater success in all other areas. Or, in other words, “More Social Freedom = A Better Overall Life!”
The Courage Community defines "Social Freedom" as: the feeling that you can do, say, or take action on what you believe is right - anywhere, anytime - regardless of the opinions of other people, or the potential for failure, loss of status, or embarrassment.
- Social Freedom is NOT indifference, numbness, or detachment from your emotions. If you could really achieve the state of “not caring” about something then you would simultaneously lose the motivation to go out and achieve it.
- Instead, Social Freedom is the ability to care deeply about something while at the same time being unattached to the short-term results. This allows you to focus on the longer-term process which makes it easier for you to be more emotionally resilient and maintain consistent effort.
- Social Freedom is NOT about completely ignoring everyone else’s opinions. It’s not about making yourself the only valid authority in the world, and discounting the opinions of everyone else. If you did that, you would never be able to discover your personal blind spots, learn where you’ve made perceptual mistakes, or be able to appreciate the efforts others make to help you. You’d also become a difficult person to be around.
- Instead, Social Freedom is about strengthening the ability to choose which opinions to care about and which ones to ignore. It’s about developing your ability of discernment so you can better identify good advice from bad advice; self-serving opinions from helpful ones. It’s about learning who to grant authority to, when it’s appropriate to do so, and about which topics.
- Social Freedom is NOT an excuse for being rude, mean, aggressive, or a jerk - even, and especially, if you feel correct in your opinion or behavior. It’s not about pissing people off, it’s the opposite. Social Freedom is meant to lead you to more opportunities for cooperation and collaboration. It is not meant to isolate you further from humanity, even if you strongly disagree with the status quo.
- Instead, Social Freedom training reminds you to “always be kind, because everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about”. As you overcome your own emotional struggles, you gain sympathy and compassion for your fellow humans who are still struggling. You also gain a more realistic perspective that helps you make changes to the status quo, if you feel compelled to do so.
- Social Freedom practice is NOT done for the purpose of getting more skillful at doing Social Freedom exercises. Your spouse, significant other, boss, parents, and best friend do not care about how many repetitions of a goofy challenge you can do on the street. They do not care, or may even be worried, about your ability to say silly things to people, or pick your nose in front of a crowd. The actual exercises themselves are NOT the point of the training, they are merely the tools you will use.
- Instead, Social Freedom is about getting more skillful at life in general! Social Freedom practice not only develops courage, but many additional virtues and skills as well. You develop virtue while simultaneously removing vice (in the Aristotelian sense), and this makes you a stronger, braver, more resilient individual, with greater capacities for action, empathy, connection, and compassion.
I'm Scared
"I’m terrified. I have no idea what’s going to happen!"
People Are Mean
"I expect someone to yell at me, or be rude to me. I expect to at least get called weird."
I'll Be Judged
"Everyone is going to be looking at me and criticizing me! This will be embarrassing."
It's Not That Scary
"When awkward things happen they're usually funny, or not as bad as I thought they'd be."
People Are Nice
"The exercises made me realize that the most negative scenarios are just in my head."
It Feels Amazing!
"Not worrying about making people slightly uncomfortable, being present and trying to give people value… it's an awesome feeling!"
Increase Confidence,
Supercharge Social SKills,
and Love Your Life!